Dmitry Orlov
Dmitry Orlov
1 906 подписчиков

France vs. Russia in the Ukraine

Another TNT Radio interview.
00:00 / 20:05
Добрый день, как можно читать этот interview (а не слушать) ? существует transcription ?
Jean, нет, не существует
Macron is having a Hissy Fit because he lost Africa. He should be shunned and go play pretty boy in front of his mirror..
The interviewer is having a hard time understanding and keeps circling the drain.  I say send in Monty Python, they couldn't do any worse.
Great interview Still listening to it but I am very happy to listen to your considerations to the poor lost interviewer.  BeamingFaceBeamingFaceBeamingFaceBeamingFace
I am having a problem with the sound from you video or voice recordings. I can hardly  hear what you says. Is there any transcription program you are a were of that could help me?
thoaar, no, there are no transcriptions. Try increasing the volume or using headphones.
thoaar, The sound quality is absolutely solid.
Personne en France ne comprend ce revirement total de la politique française. L'Afrique est une bonne piste, mais ne semble pas tout expliquer. La dégradation rapide de la dette publique et les difficultés croissantes de refinancement sont certainement un facteur important, voire critique. La France n'a plus les moyens d'une quelconque indépendance. Elle a été fermement sommée de choisir son camp.
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Антонио Браво, les choses peuvent changer aux prochaines élections présidentielles françaises. Il est possible que l'extrême droite arrive au pouvoir, et aucun d'eux n'est passé par la French-American Foundation. Mais c'est dans 3 ans, et il peut encore se passer beaucoup de choses. La propagande US va se déchaîner. D'ailleurs, l'expérience italienne montre que la BCE a plus de pouvoir qu'un Etat national. Seul Orban a montré une capacité d'indépendance en Europe.
l’extrême droite de mme LePen a donné tous les gages de compatibilité avec le système en place. C’est une opposition en carton, qui s’abstient sur les sujets qui fâchent et joue avec complaisance son rôle dans le simulacre démocratique afin que les candidats du système soit constamment élus avec la plus forte minorité. Marine le pen ne veut pas du pouvoir, elle n’a ni les moyens de le conquérir et encore moins de l’exercer.
Macron does not care one bit for France. He has the greatest contempt and hatred for the french people, going as far as saying there is no such thing as french culture.
Macron only cares for his personal ambition and the european project. He is willing to sacrifice a few peasants to achieve the final goal of total european unification. It will be the initial sacrifice that will forge european identity for good.
His is on a messianic path of some kind. And judging by the state of apathy of the people, he might very well get it, the same way he forced millions to subject themselves to a lab experiment.
François Bernard, you are giving him much too much credit. He is just a flunky for the banking interests and he is hysterical because he is terrified of becoming completely irrelevant and universally ignored.
Hi Dmitry
now I can get into boosty again, but my account with you has been lost. Paid with paypal last oktober for the year, i thought.
Can you help?
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Charles Dewolff, Boosty support does answer, even if not right away, and somewhat cryptically. I was able to restore payment long enough to pay for the annual fee but will be cut off when that year ends as I lost one credit card by using it here (Canadian) and my other ones (European) cannot be used.
Even now there are other creators whom I cannot support on Boosty.
Charles Dewolff, try to write to boosty support. I had a similar problem, I always logged in through the VK, suddenly it no longer worked outside of RF. Boosty replied that I should create a new account and then write to them again from this, then they transferred my subscription to the new account.
thanks for the answers.CallMe

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